India's Nuclear Adventure Progresses

India is stepping into the second part of the country’s three-stage nuclear power programme.

 India's Nuclear Adventure Progresses

The PFBR facility. Photo by The Hindu.

What is this Indian nuclear adventure?

Recently, Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi witnessed the start of "core loading" at India's first indigenous Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) at Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu. This is an important step in India’s nuclear power programme.

PM Modi at the Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor. Video by All India Radio News.
What is the Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor?

The PFBR is India's best nuclear reactor and has been built by Bhartiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam Ltd. (BHAVINI). The PFBR makes more nuclear fuel than it uses. It's a big step for India's nuclear power programme. India will be the second country, after Russia, to have a commercial Fast Breeder Reactor.

The PFBR will use a special fuel called uranium-plutonium mixed oxide (MOX). This reactor will also help create more fuel from uranium-238.

The PFBR is very safe and can shut down quickly during an emergency. It also produces less nuclear waste because it uses spent fuel from the first stage.

PM Modi listening to the employees of the Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor. Photo by The New Indian Express.
What is India’s three-stage nuclear power programme?

In 1954, Dr. Homi Bhaba created India's three-stage nuclear power programme. The first stage was to create nuclear reactors that used natural uranium. The second stage is Fast Breeder Reactors which use a plutonium-based fuel (this is where we are now!). The third and final stage is to make reactors that will use thorium fuel.

This plan was created because India has a lot of thorium, which can help our country make all its own nuclear energy. Thorium doesn't release greenhouse gases. But thorium can't be used by itself. It needs to be changed into uranium-233 first. The three-stage nuclear power programme will help in this process.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy?

Nuclear energy is a clean way to make electricity. It doesn't make the air dirty like some other ways we use to make electricity. But making nuclear energy costs a lot of money. We need special nuclear power plants to make it. Many countries can't afford these plants.

Also, a nuclear meltdown can happen sometimes. It can hurt people, animals, and the nearby environment. Using nuclear energy makes a lot of waste. If we don't get rid of it safely, it can hurt living things. So, there are good things and bad things about using nuclear energy.

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