Alternate Current: In Loving Memory of Gautamaditya Singh

Yashwardhini Chauhan   •   21 Aug, 2024   •   5 mins

Alternate Current is a heartfelt collection of poems by Gautamaditya Singh.

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Gautamaditya Singh, a vibrant 17-year-old from Jaipur, Rajasthan, recently passed away. He wrote poetry, and his book, Alternate Current (a collection of poems), was recently published. 

He discusses the ups and downs of life and uses existential philosophy as a key topic in all of his poems. His book is about finding hope, courage, and positivity in life. He often expresses himself in metaphors, and it was natural for him to write them in a poetic manner.

Each of his poems is full of depth and meaning. He has explored themes of nature, change, being in the present, uncertainty, goodness in all human beings, non-judgemental ways of thinking, vulnerability and freedom. I am quoting a stanza of poems to help you get an insight into his poetry:

"Nobody's inner person ever changes
but the viewpoints can always be surprising
because many people with good intentions do bad things 
and many people with bad intentions do good.”

Gautam loved spending time with nature, trekking, herping, holding and petting animals and was an adventurer who loved photography and experimented with writing music.

In his memory, his family released his song, ' Stepping into the Light, ' in April this year. It is available on YouTube and Spotify.

His book of poems was published in continents of North America, Europe and Asia.

You can find links to his book, Alternate Current ( A Collection of Poems), here:

Amazon India:


Blue Rose Publishers:

Google Play:

