Yana Mukherjee • 22 Jan, 2025 • 5 mins
Quick and easy steps to get you started with Newsahoot!
For detailed instructions on how to download the app, Click here.
You can log in or create an account on Newsahoot in the following ways:
Step 1: Download the Newsahoot app by clicking here.
Step 2: Select ‘Personal Account’ then tap on ‘sign up’ to create an account.
Step 3: Enter your email ID and write a secure password.
Step 4: Fill in your details, and complete the setup and you're all set!
Step 1: Download the Newsahoot app by clicking here.
Step 1: Download the Newsahoot app by clicking here.
Step 2: Select ‘Guest Mode’.
Step 3: Start exploring Newsahoot right away!
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Feel free to reach out to us at contact@newsahoot.com or call us at +91-9311894989.