Yana Mukherjee • 27 Jan, 2025 • 2 mins
Download Newsahoot on your Android or iOS device Today!
There are two ways to download the Newsahoot app. Please refer to Method 1 if you own an Android device and Method 2 if you own an iOS device.
STEP 1: Download the Newsahoot app by clicking here.
STEP 2: Tap the "Install" button to download the app.
STEP 3: Once installed, open the app.
STEP 4: Create an account to access Newsahoot.
STEP 5: Click here for detailed instructions to create an account.
STEP 1: Open the Newsahoot website on the Safari browser or click here.
STEP 2: Tap the Share icon (a square with an arrow pointing upwards) at the bottom of the screen.
STEP 3: Scroll down and select "Add to Home Screen".
STEP 4: Tap the Newsahoot icon on your home screen to open it.
STEP 5: Click here for detailed instructions to create an account.
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Feel free to reach out to us at contact@newsahoot.com or call us at +91-9311894989.