'Vocabulary Villa' by Darshana

Darshana Kanaiya   •   4 Oct, 2024   •   5 mins

Read this book review by the head librarian of GRG Modern Scholars.


The title "Vocabulary Villa", aroused my curiosity to get a copy of the book and satiate my love to learn something new.

Rachna takes us into the world of elves and dwarves. She has personified the 26 letters of the alphabet as cute little elves who live in the dirty, unkempt vocabulary villa.

The good Samaritan Lady Language adopts the elves and starts teaching them the power of unity. The family expands with the entry of Lady Grammar and her brood of dwarves, who are punctuation marks personified. The dwarves are arrogant and want to stay away from their cousins, but ultimately, love wins. The villa has a grumpy visitor, Mr. Slang, who wants to cause discord in the family, but Lady Language handles the discord peacefully.

Rachna has written the book in such an interesting way that after reading it, my head was buzzing with idioms, similes, and metaphors. It is a must-read book for all English teachers, and different activities are also given to entertain kids when you teach the intricacies of English grammar.

The surprise element is the tree of wisdom and the fruits of knowledge.

Grab your copy to read more. 

Darshana Kanaiya
Head Librarian
GRG Modern Scholars.



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